Did we select the perfect venue for our reunion? This was our first impressions of Klausmeier’s Farm.
John asked a few of his friends to stop by and show off their “other wives” for our OMG moments!
We started Thursday getting rea
dy for the main event. Then back on Friday and added our finishing touches on Saturday!
It’s a little hard to see but the posters along the side of the barn are “A History of Perry Hall”. Did you know one of our classmates great-great-grandfather lived in the Perry Hall Mansion? It was Bill Dunty!
We’re ready! Just get your name badges so we can see what you looked like in our yearbook in 1967! Oh, you haven’t changed a bit!
Our Memorial Tree was crafted by Lida Townsley. A leaf for every lost classmate. Sadly, we confirmed 59.
Yes, that’s Margaret McLean, our exchange student. All the way from New Zealand!
It just wouldn’t be right if we didn’t invite the PHHS Gator! The bear was donated by Jim Calder and raffled on Saturday.
Our DJ…the brother of a classmate. That’s Carl Klausmeier. He churned our “home mad
e” ice creme. Nice!
The Bus was crafted by Carolyn Whitney!Every classmates yearbook photo!Fabulous!
Bartenders tips went to “Kaylee’s Angels”, Allen Websters daughter.
Sunday morning, we released a balloon to celebrate our 50 Year Road-Trip!